Department of Medical Education
In order to become a truly great teacher, one must go beyond the textbook and attend workshops and ongoing education courses to truly master practice

Department of Medical Education aims to facilitate Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University in implementing latest modalities of teaching / learning to help improve educational program.
DME is actively involved in
- Mandatory Workshops
- Faculty Development
- Teaching and Learning Methodologies
- Student Support
- Clinical Training
- Leadership and Management
Department of Medical Education SZAB Medical University aims to provide an environment that is encouraging and positive for students and staff.
BLS Workshops Registration Proforma
Mandatory workshops registration form for trainees
Online Training Course on TB Management Program Free
Window of Opportunity
Attached below is the form for the faculty and students to fill in and intimate about trainings and workshops they are interested in and feel the need to be conducted.
Note: please fill out the form and email it to [email protected]